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Por Alice Callahan, The New York Times
02/12/2023 04h02 Atualizado 02/12/2023
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� Existem alguns riscos � sa�de associados aos banheiros p�blicos � disse Erica Donner, professora de ci�ncias ambientais da Universidade do Sul da Austr�lia. O tamanho do risco depende de muitas coisas, incluindo a frequ�ncia com que o banheiro � limpo e qu�o bem ventilado �. Mas voc� tamb�m pode tomar medidas simples para se proteger, disse Donner, coautor de uma revis�o recente de estudos sobre transmiss�o de doen�as infecciosas$5 minimum deposit online casinobanheiros p�blicos.
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Uma exce��o pode ser infec��es de pele, particularmente aquelas causadas por Staphylococcus aureus resistente � meticilina , ou MRSA, um tipo de bact�ria resistente a v�rios antibi�ticos e, portanto, dif�cil de tratar. O MRSA foi detectado$5 minimum deposit online casinobanheiros p�blicos e �pode ser transmitido da pele para uma superf�cie e depois para a pele de outra pessoa�, disse Gerba. N�o est� bem documentado com que frequ�ncia isso acontece, mas limpar um assento de banheiro p�blico com um len�o desinfetante antes de us�-lo minimizaria seu risco, disse ele.
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As tampas dos assentos sanit�rios tamb�m n�o oferecem prote��o completa; eles podem estar contaminados por n�voas com micr�bios de ocupantes anteriores ou de cabines ao lado, e �s vezes, essa prote��o n�o est� dispon�vel. Nesse caso, � melhor apenas se posicionar sobre o assento do vaso sanit�rio para evitar o contato direto?
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Mais importante do que usar uma capa protetora, sentar ou ficar$5 minimum deposit online casinouma posi��o sem contato, � como voc� limpa as m�os depois de usar o banheiro. Gra�as ao efeito de n�voa de micr�bios e bact�rias presentes no banheiro e ao uso de secadores de ar para as m�os, que podem espalhar germes de m�os molhadas ou latas de lixo abertas pr�ximas a at� 3 metros, qualquer superf�cie$5 minimum deposit online casinoum banheiro p�blico - al�as de descarga, travas de box, torneiras de pia e portas de sa�da, por exemplo � podem ser contaminadas. E a rota mais comum de infec��o � "a charmosamente chamada 'via fecal-oral'", que ocorre quando pat�genos das fezes de uma pessoa infectada entram em$5 minimum deposit online casinoboca depois de "tocar superf�cies contaminadas e depois tocar seu rosto", disse Donner.
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Outras dicas a serem lembradas: se voc� levar uma bolsa para um banheiro p�blico, evite coloc�-la no ch�o, que � uma das superf�cies mais sujas do banheiro. Mantenha seu telefone guardado para evitar contamin�-lo e tente evitar tocar superf�cies o m�ximo que puder, recomendou Donner, professora de ci�ncias ambientais. Considere tamb�m fechar a tampa do vaso sanit�rio antes de dar a descarga como medida de sa�de p�blica e gentileza para com os outros; esta etapa reduz significativamente a n�voa que sai do vaso sanit�rio.
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Brazilian professional football club
This article is about the men's football club.
For the women's football club, see S�o Paulo FC (women)Soccer club
S�o Paulo Futebol Clube (Brazilian Portuguese: [s?~w 'pawlu fut?i'b?w 'klubi] ()), commonly referred to as S�o Paulo, is a professional football club in the Morumbi district of S�o Paulo, Brazil, founded in 1930.
It plays in the Campeonato Paulista (the State of S�o Paulo's premier state league) and Campeonato Brasileiro (the top tier of the Brazilian football league system).
It is one of just three clubs to have never been relegated from the S�rie A, alongside Flamengo and Santos.
S�o Paulo is one of the most successful teams in Brazil with 22 state titles, 6 Brasileir�o titles, 3 Copa Libertadores titles, 1 Copa Sudamericana, 1 Supercopa Libertadores, 1 Copa CONMEBOL, 1 Copa Masters CONMEBOL, 2 Recopa Sudamericanas, 2 Intercontinental Cup and 1 FIFA Club World Cup.[3][4][5][6]
S�o Paulo was an inaugural member of the Clube dos 13, group of Brazil's leading football clubs.
The club's most consistent spell of success came in the 1990s under coach Tel� Santana when it won 2 state titles, one national championship, 2 Copa Libertadores, 2 Recopa Sudamericanas, 2 Intercontinental Cups, 1 Supercopa Sudamericana, 1 Copa CONMEBOL and 1 Copa Masters CONMEBOL.
Its youth system revealed many players known worldwide, including Kak�, the last Brazilian to win the Ballon d'Or.
S�o Paulo is the third best-supported club in Brazil, with over 12 million supporters.
[7] The team's traditional home kit is a white shirt with two horizontal stripes (one red and one black), white shorts, and white socks.
[8] Its home ground is the 72,039-seater[9] Morumbi football stadium in S�o Paulo,[10] where it has played since 1960.
[11] The stadium was the venue for the Copa Libertadores finals of 1974, 1992, 1993, 1994, 2000, 2003, 2005 and 2006.
History [ edit ]
1930�1934: Origins: "S�o Paulo da Floresta" ("S�o Paulo of the Forest") [ edit ]
The foundations of the team in 1930 and 1935 at the memorial C�ssio Luiz dos Santos Werneck.
The championship team of 1931
S�o Paulo FC was founded on 25 January 1930 by 60 former officials, players, members, and friends of the football clubs Club Athletico Paulistano and Associa��o Atl�tica das Palmeiras of S�o Paulo.
Club Athletico Paulistano, founded in 1900 and one of the oldest clubs in town and 11-time champions of S�o Paulo, abandoned football due to the professionalization of the sport.
Associa��o Atl�tica das Palmeiras, founded in 1902 and three-time champions of S�o Paulo, intended after the end of the season 1929 to set up a professional team, but failed to do so.[12]
The jerseys of the new club were derived from Associa��o Atl�tica das Palmeiras, which were white and sported a black ring across the chest.
To the black-and-white of Associa��o Atl�tica das Palmeiras was added the red-and-white of Club Athletico Paulistano, and the ring became red, white, and black.[13]
Club Athletico Paulistano brought to the union star players Arthur Friedenreich[14] and Araken Patusca.
[15] Associa��o Atl�tica das Palmeiras' contribution was the stadium Est�dio da Floresta, generally known as Ch�cara da Floresta.[16]
Internal arguments and turmoil led to financial problems.
The club merged with Clube de Regatas Tiet�, another sports club from the town, and the football department was disbanded on 14 May 1935.[16]
Another merger occurred in 1938, this time with Clube Atl�tico Estudantes Paulista, from the neighborhood of Mo�ca, and the club finished as runners-up in the Campeonato Paulista.
1940�1950: "The Steam Roller" [ edit ]
In 1940, when the Est�dio do Pacaembu was inaugurated, a new era began in S�o Paulo state football.
S�o Paulo Futebol Clube finished as runners-up once again in the Campeonato Paulista in 1941, and a year later the club paid 200 and a year later the club paid 200 contos de r�is (equivalent to approximately R$162,000 today) to acquire Le�nidas from Flamengo.
During this period, S�o Paulo also acquired the Argentinian Ant�nio Sastre and Brazilians Noronha, Jos� Carlos Bauer, Zez� Proc�pio, Luizinho, Rui and Teixeirinha.
With these new additions, Tricolor became known as the Steam Roller, winning the Paulista championship five times, in 1943, 1945, 1946, 1948 and 1949.
The club sold its Canind� training ground to Portuguesa to raise money for their new stadium, the Est�dio do Morumbi, for which construction began in 1952.
New team after being reformed in 1936
1951�1957: The dry spell [ edit ]
The run of success of the 1940s, came to an end in the early 1950s, and the club only won two state championships in the new decade, in 1953 and 1957.
The 1957 championship was won with the help of the 35-year-old Brazilian international Zizinho, and Hungarian manager B�la Guttmann, both of them becoming idols.
Guttmann took charge of the team in 1957 and won the S�o Paulo State Championship that year.
[18][19] While in Brazil he helped popularise the 4�2�4 formation, which was subsequently used by Brazil as they won the 1958 FIFA World Cup.
In the years that followed, the club struggled to compete with the rise of Pel� and his club, Santos.
With the construction of the Morumbi stadium still ongoing, S�o Paulo entered its longest period without a title in its history, which was to last 13 years.
1958�1969: Just the stadium [ edit ]
Since S�o Paulo's budget planning was focused on the Est�dio do Morumbi construction rather than the signing of new players, few expensive players were bought during the 1960s, although the club did acquire Brazilian internationals Roberto Dias and Jurandir.
In 1960, the Est�dio do Morumbi was inaugurated, named after the late C�cero Pompeu de Toledo, the club's chairman during most of the stadium construction.
[20] One of the few happy moments for the fans during this period was the 1963 Paulista Championship 4�1 victory against Pel�'s Santos.
1970�1979: Campeonato Brasileiro (Brazilian Championship) [ edit ]
In 1970, the Est�dio do Morumbi was finally completed and the club purchased G�rson from Botafogo, Uruguayan midfielder Pedro Rocha from Pe�arol and striker Toninho Guerreiro from Santos.
The club was managed by Zez� Moreira, who was the manager of Brazil at the World Cup in 1954, and won the Paulista Championship after beating Guarani 2�1 in the Campinas a week before the end of the competition.
View of the Morumbi Stadium, January 23, 1970.
National Archives of Brazil.
In 1971, the club beat Palmeiras 1�0 with a goal from Toninho Guerreiro in the final to capture another state title.
That year saw the inaugural Campeonato Brasileiro, with the club finishing as runners-up to Atl�tico Mineiro, managed by Tel� Santana.
In the following years, S�o Paulo and Palmeiras gradually overtook Pel�'s Santos and Corinthians as the dominant club sides in S�o Paulo state.
In 1972, Palmeiras won the state championship title, only one point ahead of S�o Paulo, and the following year the clubs finished in the same positions in the Brazilian Championship.
In 1974, S�o Paulo took part in the Copa Libertadores losing in the final to Independiente in a replay.
In 1975, former goalkeeper Jos� Poy took over as manager, and S�o Paulo won the Paulista Championship after defeating Portuguesa in a penalty shoot-out.
Valdir Peres, Chic�o, Serginho Chulapa and Z� S�rgio were the club's most influential players when S�o Paulo finally secured the Brazilian Championship for the first time in 1977 following a penalty shoot-out victory over Atl�tico Mineiro at the Mineir�o.
However, they failed to win another trophy until the reclaimed the Paulista Championship in 1980.
The 1980s: Tricolor decade [ edit ]
In the 1980s, S�o Paulo won four Paulista and one Brazilian titles, helped by the impressive central defensive pair of Oscar and Dario Pereyra.
1980 and 1981, the club won the Paulista Championship in successive seasons for the first time since the 1940s.[21]
In 1985, the head coach Cilinho introduced to the world the Menudos of Morumbi, a team that included Paulo Silas, M�ller and Sidney, and the club once again won the Paulista Championship.
The main striker was Careca, a centre-forward who also played for Brazil in the 1986 FIFA World Cup.
The midfield featured Falc�o, brought in from Italian club Roma and becoming a big part in winning the Campeonato Paulista in 1985.
In 1986, manager Pepe led the club to its second Brazilian Championship title, defeating Guarani in a penalty shoot-out.
In 1987, Dario Pereyra left the club, but in that year the Menudos team won its last title, another Paulista title.
The so-called Tricolor Decade ended with the 1989 Paulista Championship title and a second-place finish in the Brazilian Championship, when S�o Paulo lost to Vasco da Gama in the final match.[21]
1990�1995: The Tel� Santana Era, CONMEBOL and Intercontinental cups [ edit ]
Tel� Santana, won two Copa Libertadores and two Club World Cups with S�o Paulo.
In 1990, after a poor start to the campaign in Championship Paulista, Tel� Santana was hired as the club's coach, and S�o Paulo went on to finish runners-up in the Brazilian Championship.
[22] In 1991, Santana won his first title after winning the Paulista championship.
In 1991, S�o Paulo won the Brazilian championship after beating Carlos Alberto Parreira's Bragantino, and the club began a period of consistent achievement both nationally and internationally.
The following year they reached the Copa Libertadores final, where they faced Newell's Old Boys of Argentina.
S�o Paulo lost the first leg 1�0, but reversed the scoreline in the second leg in Brazil, and then won the competition in the penalty shoot-out to take the title for the first time.[23]
Ra�, S�o Paulo's midfielder in the 1990s.
In the same year, in Tokyo the club won its first Intercontinental Cup, beating Johan Cruyff's Barcelona 2�1.
After returning to Brazil, the club beat Palmeiras 2�1 to win its 18th state championship title.
In 1993, S�o Paulo retained the Copa Libertadores, beating Universidad Cat�lica of Chile in the finals 5�3 on aggregate, including a 5�1 first leg win.
After the competition, influential midfielder Ra� left the club.
The Copa Libertadores win allowed the club to play the Recopa Sudamericana that year, beating 1992 Supercopa Libertadores winners and fellow Brazilian side Cruzeiro.
The club also won the 1993 Supercopa Libertadores, beating Flamengo on penalties in the final.
The Supercopa Libertadores title meant the club has completed an unprecedented CONMEBOL treble (Copa Libertadores, Recopa Sudamericana, Supercopa Libertadores).
S�o Paulo was able to defend its Intercontinental Cup title again, beating Fabio Capello's Milan 3�2.
M�ller scored the winning goal in the 86th minute of the match, from an assist by Toninho Cerezo.
[24] This meant the club had completed a quadruple.
In 1994, the club reached the Copa Libertadores finals for the third year in a row, and faced Argentina's V�lez S�rsfield.
On this occasion they lost on penalties to the Argentine side at the Morumbi stadium.
But by the end of this year, S�o Paulo won the Copa CONMEBOL, defeating Pe�arol of Uruguay in the final.
1996�2004: Post-Tel� years [ edit ]
At the beginning of 1996, owing to health issues, Tel� Santana left S�o Paulo, ending the club's golden era.
Between 1995 and 2004, the club had fourteen managers.
Among the most notable titles during those ten years were the 2000 Paulista Championship and the club's first Rio-S�o Paulo Tournament title in 2001.
Rog�rio Ceni, J�lio Baptista, Lu�s Fabiano and Kak� were the club's stars.
Ra� briefly returned to the club between 1998 and 2000, and with him, the club won the Paulista Championship twice, in 1998 and 2000, after beating Corinthians and Santos, respectively.
In 2004 S�o Paulo were back in the Copa Libertadores and reached the semi-finals before being eliminated by underdogs Once Caldas from Colombia.
At the end of that year, �merson Le�o was hired as the club's coach.
In 2003, S�o Paulo made a deal with Spanish amateur side Santangelo Club Aficionado that resulted in the Spanish club changing its name to S�o Paulo Madrid.[25]
2005�2009: Three Brazilian Championships, Libertadores and FIFA Club World Cup [ edit ]
In 2005, with Le�o as the club's manager, S�o Paulo won the Paulista Championship.
Le�o, however, would soon leave the club with Paulo Autuori, former manager of the Peru national team, hired to replace him.
S�o Paulo won the Libertadores Cup for the third time, beating another Brazilian side, Atl�tico Paranaense, in the final.
Atl�tico switched the first leg of the final to Est�dio Beira-Rio, Porto Alegre, their own ground not having sufficient capacity for a final, and the match ended in a 1�1 draw.
In the second leg, at the Morumbi, S�o Paulo won 4�0 to become the first Brazilian club to win three Copa Libertadores titles.
In December 2005, S�o Paulo competed in the FIFA Club World Championship in Japan.
After beating Saudi Arabia's Al-Ittihad 3�2, they faced European champions Liverpool in the final.
A 1�0 victory over the English team gave S�o Paulo its third intercontinental title.
The single goal was scored by Mineiro in the first half of the match.
[26][27] Other players in that year's squad included centre-back Diego Lugano, full-back Cicinho, forward Amoroso, and the record-breaking goalkeeper Rog�rio Ceni, who was selected Man of the Match at the FIFA Club World Championship title match, as well as the tournament's MVP.[28]
Tribute received from the Paulista Football Federation and President Lula for winning the first FIFA Club World Cup.
After the success of the 2005 season, Paulo Autuori left the team to coach Kashima Antlers in the J.League.
Muricy Ramalho was signed up as the new coach, having led Internacional to the runners-up position in the 2005 Brazilian Championship.
In his first tournament as a manager, Ramalho reached second place in the Paulista Championship, losing to Santos by one point.
S�o Paulo reached the final of the 2006 Copa Libertadores, but lost 4�3 on aggregate to Brazilian rivals Internacional.
However, they went on to win their fourth Campeonato Brasileiro trophy, becoming the first team to become national champions in the new league system format.
S�o Paulo against Bayern Munich in 2007.
After being eliminated from the Copa Libertadores round of 16 to Gr�mio in 2007, S�o Paulo won the Brazilian title for the second year in a row, fifteen points ahead of second-placed Santos.
They won the title for the third season running in 2008 season, overturning an 11-point deficit behind Gr�mio in the second half, to win its sixth league title.
Manager Muricy Ramalho was the first manager to win three league titles in a row with the same team.
Despite this feat, Muricy was sacked the following year after S�o Paulo was eliminated in the 2009 Copa Libertadores quarter-finals to Cruzeiro, its fourth consecutive elimination to a Brazilian side.
Ricardo Gomes took over as manager.
The club was very close to winning the league for the fourth time in a row, however, after struggling in the final 4 games, they ended up finishing in third.
2010�2020: Copa Sudamericana and a tough period [ edit ]
In 2010 S�o Paulo lost once again to Internacional in the 2010 Copa Libertadores, this time in the semifinals, ending Ricardo Gomes' spell as manager.
The club finished ninth in the league, not qualifying for the international competition for the first time since 2003.
In 2011, the club signed Rivaldo and brought back Lu�s Fabiano for a club-record �7.
6 million from Sevilla.
[citation needed] Goalkeeper Rog�rio Ceni, meanwhile, scored his 100th career goal, against Corinthians in the Campeonato Paulista.
Despite these events, it was another very disappointing season, finishing sixth in the league and failing to qualify for the Libertadores once again.
In research conducted by Brazilian sports website GloboEsporte.
com, S�o Paulo, during the eight years between 2003 and 2011, were just the second Brazilian club to earn more money than losses in the transfer market � Tricolor paulista received R$287 million, behind only Internacional, which earned R$289 million.[29]
In 2012, S�o Paulo won the Copa Sudamericana (its only title in the 2010 decade) and qualified for next season's Libertadores, finishing fourth in the league under Ney Franco.
However, after that season, the club hit a second massive dry spell and struggled to regain its dominance in the Brazilian and South American stage.
For the 2013 season, after seven years wearing kits produced by Reebok, S�o Paulo signed with Brazilian brand Penalty.
The contract was valid until 2015 and the club earned R$35 million per year.
[30] This contract was the second-most lucrative kit deal in Brazil, just exceeded by Flamengo and Adidas' deal of R$38 million.
[31] In May 2015 S�o Paulo presented its new kits, made by Under Armour.
In 2018 the team became sponsored by Adidas.[32]
In 2014, 2018 and 2020 the club was one of the contenders for the national league title, but did not win it; S�o Paulo finished runners-up in 2014, fifth in 2018, and fourth in 2020, the last two being marked by massives drops of form in the second half.
In contrast to this, they struggled hard in 2013 and 2017, fighting (and eventually saving themselves) against relegation to the second tier.
Continentally, in 2016 the club reached the semi-finals of the Copa Libertadores, losing to Atl�tico Nacional.
In the entire 2010 decade, S�o Paulo didn't win a single Campeonato Paulista title for the first time since 1960s.
In 2021, S�o Paulo finally ended its second biggest dry spell in its history (8 years); under new manager Hern�n Crespo, the club defeated Palmeiras at the Campeonato Paulista finals, winning the competition for the first time since 2005.
However, after a continuing sequence of poor results, Crespo was sacked five months later, with the club involved in another relegation battle at the Campeonato Brasileiro, being replaced by the club legend Rog�rio Ceni.
Under manager Rog�rio Ceni the club was runner-up at the 2022 Campeonato Paulista, reaching the third state finals in four years; a progress for the club, since S�o Paulo didn't reach the state finals between 2007 and 2018.
The club reached the semifinals of the 2022 Copa do Brasil, being eliminated by Flamengo.
[33] S�o Paulo was runner-up at the 2022 Copa Sudamericana, losing to C.S.D.
Independiente del Valle from Ecuador in C�rdoba, Argentina.[34]
Colors and badge [ edit ]
When Club Athletico Paulistano and Associa��o Atl�tica das Palmeiras merged, their colours (red and white for CA Paulistano and black and white for AA das Palmeiras) were inherited by S�o Paulo.
The colours match those of S�o Paulo's state flag, and also represents the three main races that lived in Brazil during that period: the Native Brazilians (represented by the red), the White Brazilians (represented by the white) and the Afro-Brazilians (represented by the black).
The club's home kit is a white shirt, with two horizontal stripes at chest level, the upper one red and the lower one black, and the badge in the centre of the chest; the shorts and socks are white.
The away kit consists of a shirt with red, white and black vertical stripes, black shorts and black socks.
The badge, representing a heart with five points, consists of a shield with a black rectangle in the upper section bearing the initials SPFC in white; below the rectangle there's a red, white and black triangle.
It was designed by the german graphic designer Walter Ostrich and one of the founders, Firmiano de Morais Pinto Filho.
[35] The badge also has five stars, two gold and three red ones: the gold ones denote Adhemar Ferreira da Silva's World and Olympic records at the 1952 Summer Olympics in Helsinki and at the 1955 Pan American Games in Mexico City; the red ones represent each of the two Intercontinental Cups and the FIFA Club World Cup won by the club.
[36]Stadium [ edit ]
Aerial view of the Morumbi Stadium.
S�o Paulo's stadium is officially named Est�dio C�cero Pompeu de Toledo (Cicero Pompeu de Toledo Stadium) and commonly known by the nickname Est�dio do Morumbi (Morumbi Stadium).
The first game played at the stadium was on 2 October 1960, when S�o Paulo win 1�0 in a friendly match against Sporting Club from Portugal.
It was inaugurated in with a maximum sitting capacity of 120,000 people, but now its maximum capacity is 72,039 seats.[9]
The club also owns two training grounds, one named Centro de Treinamento Frederico Ant�nio Germano Menzen (Frederico Ant�nio Germano Menzen Training Center), nicknamed Centro de Treinamento (CT) da Barra Funda (Barra Funda's Training Center), which is used mostly by the professional team.
[37] The other is the Centro de Forma��o de Atletas Presidente Laudo Natel (President Laudo Natel Athletes Formation Center), nicknamed Centro de Treinamento (CT) de Cotia (Cotia's Training Center), which is used by the youth teams.
[38]Players [ edit ]
First-team squad [ edit ]
For a list of all former and current S�o Paulo FC players with a Wikipedia article, see Category:S�o Paulo FC players
As of 29 July 2023[39][40]
Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules.
Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Youth players with first team numbers [ edit ]
As of 9 August 2023[41][40]
Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules.
Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Other players under contract [ edit ]
Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules.
Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Out on loan [ edit ]
Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules.
Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Retired numbers [ edit ]
Notable Players [ edit ]
The most famous and beloved players that have played for the club since its foundation in 1930.
[43][44][45][46]Personnel [ edit ]
Current technical staff [ edit ]
Position Staff Manager Dorival J�nior General Manager Rui Costa Coordinator Muricy Ramalho Director of Football Carlos Belmonte Assistant Managers Lucas SilvestrePedro Sotero
Milton Cruz Fitness Coaches Celso RezendePedro Campos
Adriano Titton Goalkeeping Coaches Oct�vio Ohl
M�rcio Aguiar Market Manager Jo�o Marcos Soares Analysts Luis Felipe BatistaGuilherme LyraLuis Hoenen
Marcelo de Souza Medical management Jos� Sanchez Medical Staff Ricardo Galotti
Fabio Novi Youth Sector Coordinator Eduardo Biasotto U20 Manager Menta U17 Manager Allan Barcellos
Last updated: 20 June 2023
Source: Official website
Club rivalries [ edit ]
First Choque-Rei in Allianz Parque in March 2015
San-S�o between Santos and S�o Paulo played in Vila Belmiro in 2017 for Campeonato BrasileiroS�o Paulo vs.Palmeiras [ edit ]
This fixture is nicknamed the "Choque Rei", and has seen 114 wins by S�o Paulo, 113 wins by Palmeiras and 110 draws.[47]S�o Paulo vs.Santos [ edit ]
Also known as "San-S�o", this fixture was first played in 1936.
Since then, S�o Paulo have won it 137 times, Santos 106, and there have been 75 draws.[48]S�o Paulo vs.
Corinthians [ edit ]
The game between these clubs is also known as "Majestoso", a name coined by Thomas Mazzoni.
The first "Majestoso" occurred on 25 May 1930.
[49] The fixture has seen 109 wins for S�o Paulo, 131 wins for Corinthians and 113 draws.
[50]Honours [ edit ]
S�o Paulo FC is one of the most successful clubs in Brazil, having won a total of 30 domestic honours, in addition to their 12 international successes.
It is the brazilian club with the most international titles.
Major competitions
Other competitions [ edit ]
Campeonato Brasileiro S�rie A record [ edit ]
Torneio Roberto Gomes Pedrosa
Campeonato Brasileiro
Campeonato Paulista record [ edit ]
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2024/1/3 13:04:35